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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 04/10/2019
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 PM on April 10th.  The following members were present: Dennis Overfield, Mark Hastings, Robert Recor, Jenell Janes, and Toni Phillips.   Six local attendees were also present. The minutes were typed by Nicole Krol.
The meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority was called to order at 7:31 pm by Dennis Overfield.
The minutes from March were read aloud, Toni made a motion to accept the minutes, Bob second, the motion passed unanimously.
Lake Patrol
  • 2019/20 RLA budget has not yet been approved.
  • Year to date there is 79% of the 2018/19 budget remaining.
Old Business
  • Janell updated the board on the fishing line receptacle project.  The project has been received well by the town of Lyme and Old Lyme.  DEEP gave Janell a person of contact in the Wildlife Division, she is waiting to hear back with approval for placement of the receptacles before purchasing materials.  Janell has explored different types of receptacles best for the application, specifically a design to keep foreign objects from being placed inside.
  • Dennis has not written up the post permit application for the Northwest corner of the lake yet, but the property owners have approved placement of the sign.
  • Discussion took place regarding a floating sign at the entrance of the boat launch, DEEP needs latitude and longitude coordinate information included on the permit application.
  • Dennis was in contact with the representative of Picnic Island and they are concerned about placement, RLA will not have placement information until DEEP approves the sign.
New Business
  • Candace Fuchs, president, of the Old Lyme Rowing Association attended the meeting.  She talked about lake rowing activities. Rowing takes place spring, summer, and fall. The association will host a learn to row activity, on national rowing day, this is open to anyone who wants to try rowing, on June 2nd.  Rowing activities and programs are available on the website at 
  • Enrollment in the junior program is very good.  Candace does not see the association membership growing to an unmanageable number.  She mentioned several new boats were purchased for the members of the association.
  • Dennis mentioned many of the morning rowers converse in the Northwest section of the lake and there is loud echo, Candace will mention this to the rowers.  The RLA patrol boat will be out Tuesday and Thursday evenings for safety this season, reminding motor boats they need to stay 200ft away from any object on the lake.  The RLA website has a number and form to report incidents of concern regarding lake safety.  
  • Janell, Toni, and Dennis met with Lyme and Old Lyme selectman on April 2nd.  Discussion of the boat trailer, plate, and insurance took place.  Bonnie was told there was documentation Lyme is responsible to provide insurance and therefore the plate.  The Town of Lyme does have insurance and RLA is waiting to hear back on how the town will address the issue of boat transportation.  Overall, the town was supportive of the RLA and their safety concerns.  
Weed treatment was discussed, the town will get a two-year permit for weed treatment application.  There are also other companies who apply the herbicide treatment which may be more cost effective, ultimately, Bonnie will decide on the treatment applicator.
Scott Fisher has reviewed the report from AER, discussion took place on where to treat within the lake.  The RLA would like to have the Northwest corner evaluated during the pretreatment assessment.  Also reviewed was the RLA budget, the town indicated if the board stays within the budget, funds can be moved from one category to another.  Next, ordnances were discussed, they are quite outdated, Steve and Bonnie suggested the RLA make up a pamphlet to have at the boat launch to promote safety on the lake instead of revising the ordnances.
  • Weed treatment update: ProcellaCOR will be used for milfoil and curly pond weed.  Clipper will be used for fanwort.
  • The CT DEEP Volunteer Water Monitoring Program held Friday, April 5th was well attended and supported.  The slides that will be placed on the website will be a great resource for RLA concerning future projects.  Invasive plants were also discussed during the program.  Dennis received information about a new survey company and passed the information on to Bonnie.  Bob mentioned there are discrepancies in water quality through testing, results depend on the environmental conditions, and can vary day by day.
  • A canoe was found last Thursday, in the Northwest corner of the lake, contact Dennis by May 5th regarding the canoe or it will be disposed of.
  • Two fishing tournaments in May:  May 14th, 15 boats and May18th, 10 boats.
A motion to adjourn was made by Tone, Janell second, motion passed by unanimous vote.  The meeting ended at 8:43 PM.  
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Krol, Secretary for RLA,   
The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on May 8th, at 7:30PM at the Rogers Lake West Shores Clubhouse.